Thursday 28 January 2010

Bridget Jones scene 2 - Deconstruction

Camera shots -
Long shot - all characters at table, showing location, and what they're comsuming.
Mid shots - expression when talking, all very natural.
Two shots - Bridget and friend, he's smoking, fiddling with new phone in box.

Sound -
Non diegetic sounds - narration and soundtrack. Narration is very upbeat and enthusiastic, tells audience the situation and topic of conversation with friends. Soundtrack, continuous beat, energetic, emphasises mood.
Dialogue - (narration stops and conversation begins) natural, not over dramatised, no emotion needed to be expressed. Tone is lowered when being sarcastic.
Mumbling of extras in background.
Diegetic sounds - breathing in and out from smoking, plastic rustleing from phone box, glasses being put down on table, dialogue.

Lighting -
Faces all in bright but soft light, only slight change of light in shaddows.

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