Tuesday 2 February 2010

Deconstruction - 2 fast 2 furious "abduction/capture scene."

This deconstruction is focusing on the "capture" scene of a man who is then tortured.


- The first shot of the man starts of with him walking into a V.I.P area, where there are men who are waiting to get information out of him, by any means. The sound starts of as the diagetic music in the background as the scene is in a club, the music is clubby but with a prominate bass sound.
- As the man "victim" and a woman walk into the V.I.P area, you can also hear their conversation which overlaps the background club music. This helps to emphasis the current situation unfolding. Then as they walk into the area, where the men are, other music is played over the club music, which is eary and uses violins, to build up tension.
- The sound then changes back to diaget, as the main "bad guy," says, "enjoying yourself D.I," immediately cutting the viewer back into the action and showing the danger of the mans situation. Also the use of his name, conveys instantly that the bad guy, knows EXACTLY who he is and therefore the hostility of the circumstances between them.
- As the men engage in a conversation, the woman leaves and the club music is heard again, cutting the audience straight back into the dangerous action.


- The lighting at the start of the scene is totally typical and autentic to a club environment. The lighting is quite dim but not dull. The lights are brighter as the man and woman enter the V.I.P area, as there is much more avaliable and created light, including the tall lamps which are next to the sofa, creating a slightly more comfy and misleadingly safe feel.
- The light in most of the shots, is a mixture of quite bright yellow and unnatural lights, highlighting the characters face, portraying that the light isn't nautral. In addition there are a few blue and red lights, which beam onto the characters. In the second shot, when the man walks over to the main bad guy, there is a much redder tinge to the light, suggesting the impending danger that he is in.
- The light on the shot when the man is lying on his back and is being torched, by a blow torch and a rat is on his stomach under a metal bucket. Here the light is very bright and unnatural, in the shot where the main bad guy is holding the torch in his face and shouting at him. The light is slightly blue which is the colour of the flame and is right up close in the shot, suggesting the intense discomfort of the man and the situation.

Mise en Scene:

- The whole scene from when the man enters to when he is forced ontop of a table to be forced into giving the bad guy " a window," to commit a crime, is very on edge and illustrates a feeling of increasing danger and authority of the bad guy over the man.
- When the man first enters, the initial effect is that he has been tricked by the woman, and therefore is potentially in peril. This is enhanced by the bad guy smiling menacingly as they gain eye contact, not only does the man know who he is but also that he is not at great risk of coming to harm.
- The Mise en Scene, when the man is lying down and has a bucket on his stomach with a rat underneath it, is very unnerving and disturbing for the audience to watch. When the man starts to shout and wail, " get it off me," this portays that he is in absoloute desperation and agony. And that even as a policeman, he is forced to give in and say, "i'll give you the window.. i'll give you the window," as he is so frantic to get away.


- The man who is the victim, is dressed in a shirt and loose tie, which conjures up the image of an everyday working class, middle aged man. Which helps the audience to empathise with him, when he is being tortured and put in a very compromising position, as clearly he is nothing out of the ordinary, so why does he have to cope with such an ordeal. Moreover his hair looks quite bedraggled and slightly greasy, suggesting that he isn't very groomed and doesn't pay too much attention to his appearance.
- The main bad guy, is dressed in a very expensive looking suit, immediatley showing that he is very wealthy and has power and authority over the other characters. Also he is wearing very expensive looking jewellery and his hair is short and VERY well kept, implying that he has both the time and resorces to worry and focus on his self image.

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