Monday 22 February 2010

SOUND - For scenes in our filming

I have looked at some clips from horror/thriller films and how they use different sounds and effects in different situations.
Non-diagetic and Diagetic sounds...

The first one I looked at was ONE TREE HILL:

- The scene when Peyton and Brooke are being held hostage by Derek.

The music is very eary and uses; guitars and a low man's voice. This helps to build up the feeling of tension, and intense vulnerability of the characters.
The diagetic sounds are of very deep breathing and wining from the Peyton and Brooke which illustrates how scared and isolated they feel.

We could use this idea of the deep breathing and the backing sounds of guitars, in the scene where laura is walking home to create the feeling that she is isolated and in danger. Deep breathing greatly builds up the tension of the situation.

I also looked at SORORITY ROW:

- The scene right at the start of Sorority row, where the camera is zooming in on the house, where there is a party. The non-diagetic music is very creepy and makes the audience automatically suspicious of what is going on. The music is very slow and uses violins, which help to create tension and make the audience feel uncomfortable instantly. Also the use of the diagetic screaming when this music begins to fade, is very effective as it cuts the audience straight back into the action and shows just how dangerous the situation is.

We could use the violin as part of our sound effects and non-diagetic sounds, when Laura is being held hostage in the attic, as it creates the feeling of danger and intense vulnerablitity from the victims perspective. Also the use of the screaming cutting straight through the non-diagetic sound could be very effective in our piece, as in the attic scence, over the non-diagetic sound we could use laura's deep and irratic breathing to be played over the top of it. This would greatly help to throw the audience straight back into the severity of the hostages precarious situation.

- Then I looked at 28 WEEKS LATER:

- The scene when the main character is running away from "the infected" zombies, the non-diagetic sound creates the feeling of desperation and distress. The use of the constant light drumming makes the audience feel as though the character/s are trying to keep going an escape.

Therefore we could use this use of non-diagetic sound when Laura is walking home, it will help to create the feeling that, she is trying to get away from her problems e.g. breaking up with her boyfriend. And also this sound will emphasis that she is making her way home. Slowly with great effort, as she is very drunk.

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