Thursday 4 February 2010

Filming SO FAR - Deconstruction "Pub scene."

So far we have filmed almost all the pub shots which we needed, however we have decided to film again, as there were many aspects which we thought we could improve upon. Including; dress, makeup, dialogue and the physical movement of the characters..
Below are all the areas which we think we can improve upon and make very effective in the final version:

Sound -

- Some of the dialogue which the characters said, in particular in the first few shots by the bar, were not said with enough/ the right emotion. For example, when Laura says " i know, i've had enough," she said it in quite an upset rather than outraged girl at her boyfriend. Therefore we will try to ensure that when we next film, her lines in the opening shots are delivered with more feeling and raw emotion.
- Also when the characters are laughing, in the shots when they are doing drink shots. The laughing comes across quite unnatural and forced. We will change this so that when we next film these shots of them, the laughing is much more natural. HOW: We will attempt this by actually making them laugh at something, and perhaps even rolling the camera when they're not ready/ are aware :)
- Overall we want the dialogue to sound much more natural and realistic, we will try to make the speech sound more like they are 3 good friends on a night out cheering up Laura. HOW: By making the boys speech more typically ladish in the first few shots. So that they say things such as "Oh who cares, you don't need him," "Plenty more fish in the sea," these sort of comments. Rather than things like, "I just don't understand why you let him mess you about?" Which doesn't at all seem like something a late teen/ early twentites comment from a guy.

Mise en Scene -

- The general feel of the scenes we shot in the bar, were pretty depressing and slightly intimidathing. We want the atmosphere to feel much more, like a normal night out, but that Laura's character is clearly angry with her boyfriend and wants to forget all about it.
- The guys, come across very oversensitive and in depth for a girl 17-23 years, to be hanging around with. We are going to make them much more believable and "ladish" in their behaviour. HOW: by giving them much more causal lines (see sound) and make their conversation more banter like.

Costume -

- One of the guys, James is wearing a light pink shirt and he looks very young in the shots. This is not helped by his perfect and therefore quite young looking hair as well as his skin, which is very pale. To greatly improve his look and make him represent and older and more "normal" lad, we will put him in a darker shirt to make him look more mature. Also we will make his hair so that it is styled a lot more casually. Moreover, we're going to perhaps add some more makeup such as; blusher/bronzer to his face, to give him more colour so that he looks less washed out.
- The two extras; Me and Florri looked slightly rigid and a bit too dressed up to be in a pub, therefore, we may try to dress us in more conventional clothes. Such as; little dresses but without heels. Moreover, in the acutal shots they sometime look a little awkward and too posed. For example; when the camera is on their backs, they could be sitting more relaxed and not so straight backed with glasses held up high in their hands. As it may look slightly too staged sometimes.

If you have read any of these improvements and have more ideas on what we can do to make these aspects of the filming even better, then please leave your suggestions and comments, they will help us out so much :) Thanks!!

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